Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Emergency at work

This is what happened from my point of view as the pharmacist at a usually busy store. I was just answering a phone from a school nurse who had a question when a elderly woman came up to the consultation window. I told her I would be with her in a minute and went back to the nurse with the question. The nurse had a Chinese family bring in a bubble packed medicine for their son at school. The nurse couldn't identify it and didn't feel comfortable giving the kid something that she had no idea what it was. She spelled out the medicine for me -alphachymotrypsin, and I had no clue as to what it was. I looked at the few computer references that I have available and came up empty. She then told me that she believed it to be herbal, and said that it was from a Chinese family and that the Aunt was a doctor and gave them the medicine for the boy. I looked in one more reference for homeopathic meds but it was kind of an old book and again couldn't find anything. I told the nurse that she should call poison control and maybe they could help her.
All this time I had seen the elderly woman standing at the counter waiting for me. Someone had also dropped of three narcotics for me to count and get ready. After I hung up, I started to go over to the counsel station and she was gone. No big surprise really, happens all the time, either people give up, don't want to wait, find what they were looking for, figure out what they need or just see that I am busy and don't want to bother me. I glanced down a few aisles that I could see from where I was to see if I could find her. I asked my techs who were trying to catch up with the mornings work. (Also someone called out sick so we were short handed.) One of my techs said she must have figured out that foot care was way up in aisle one; a common question back at the pharmacy, and we all thought nothing of it. It was a quiet morning as far as the the front store goes, no one was picking up their meds and I just had that one person who dropped off their narcotics who was waiting. As I was counting and verifying her scripts I heard a soft "somebody help me" it was faint and seemed childlike. I glanced behind me at the registers thinking maybe someone was at the counter waiting to pick up, or maybe it was one of the front store kids playing a trick on us. I didn't see anybody, so I started to look down the aisles when one of the front store girls came around the corner and saw her on the floor. I came out of the pharmacy and saw her and ran back in to call 911. Luckily there is a fire department in the same parking lot as the strip mall we are in. The 911 operator asked me some questions, she was in and out of consciousness with a shallow breath, he had us move her to her left side and then the fire department was there. They quickly got an i.v. in her and took pulse, blood pressure, and did the things they needed to do. Come to find out she was coming to ask me about constipation because she was just out of the hospital last week. She was in the hospital because she had a stroke. I really felt like a jerk for not being able to do anything. Her son came in the next day to thank us for all that we did in taking care of his mother. She was still in the hospital but I don't know anything else about what or why or how she is doing. Hope all is fine.

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