Sunday, September 19, 2010

Morning Ride

Stars fade from existence as the light eases away the darkness.

Angel clouds dance across the sky as it grows from black to pink.

Mist swirls up from the water, apparitions gliding twelve feet tall.

A fish jumps, no, not a fish, as it still sails through the air,

Swooping, darting, lightning fast, how many are there?

Bats fly all around me, as I stop to watch.

Six, ten, hard to tell, dive for water bugs or a drink from the lake.

Uncomfortably close they come as I dodge their manic movements.

Small bodies with leathery wings avoided as I continue to paddle on.

There beautiful ugliness left behind as I disappear into the fog.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

On a roll today

I think this is my fifth post today. Not to brag but I just needed to put this down.

After kayaking, then finishing the snow bars, I ordered tickets to see "39 Steps" at The Portland Stage Company in October. I am quite intrigued. The website says there are 150 characters played by 4 actors. Should be some interesting quick changes. I bought 5 tickets, for Mel, Reese, Jaren, Dean, and I. Hope it is as funny as they say it is.

I also installed a light socket in the back corner of the basement where we keep the camping and holiday gear as well as the food racks. It was a little tricky because there was no light in the dark basement once the power is cut and all of the flashlights were dying. I encountered no problems and just the one light makes a big difference.

Peak Organic Beer

After cashing in my returnables last month I looked around in the package store to find something to whet my appetite. I came across this Peak Organic and one of the salesman said he had lots of customers ask for it but no one had bought it since he ordered it. The bottles were a little dusty but there was a four pack of espresso amber ale. I just had to try this remembering the Drew Carey Show and his "Buzz Beer".
The espresso was not that great. Pretty bitter and usually had to force myself to finish the bottle. Luckily I also picked up a nut brown ale which was very good and easy to drink. Not a light summer time ale, it was hoppy and nutty that is a good all around beer. Smooth and refreshing and delicious all in one bottle.

snow bars are done

Finally finished putting up the snow bars that we started ordering last September. We did order in two stages but it still took a long time. It was nice to finish when it was warm out, unlike doing them in snow pants and a winter coat last November.
I actually thought this was on my 1o1 things list, so I was a little disappointed when I finished and found out that they weren't. Darn, I thought I could cross something off again today.

lake death cycle

countless deaths in the darkness
unsuspecting victims.
decay layering the depths
with animal and plant alike.

minding your own business
when life is snatched away.
fulfilling an others hunger
until a bigger predator
repays the favor.

the blackness devours the crime
as the prey itself is devoured.
surviving to take lives
just another necessity.

time moves on
death litters the floor.
eaten by worms and bugs
breaking down the layers
returning life to earth.

Kayaking around Brown Cove

Set out this morning just to do my usual morning exercise of kayaking. I actually hit the snooze a couple times so was up and out later than I planned. 47 degrees by the thermometer and 6:35am by the clock as I was dipping my paddle into the cool misty lake water. Quiet, serene, silent.

Kyle, the falcon flew over head as I passed the middle of our small cove. He perched in a tall pine tree and surveyed Brown Cove. I continued paddling and was enjoying the calm waters and the swirls my paddles were making into the darkness.

I was feeling good and decided to head up to the small inlet connecting Brown Cove with the rest of Little Sebago Lake. I kept close to the shore line and went in and out of each cove. I was starting to think that maybe today should be the day that I went around the entire Brown Cove as it is on my 101 things to do list.

The depths of the lake came to me as I floated on top. Grasses and rocks appeared below me sometimes brushing the bottom of my kayak. The mist drifted by. Loons moved warily away as I coasted past. Dip, pull, swirl, repeat.

Shoulders came into existence as I noticed them starting to ache. Am I half way? How far does this sub-cove go in. A great blue heron is a statue standing in the marsh waiting to grab breakfast. Into new territory I row exploring areas never seen by my eyes. Beautiful old homes and camps once the height of style now run down and in need of repair and paint. Fish come from below to grab the unsuspecting water bugs that are so plentiful on the surface.

Sun is blinding as I head toward it while it is just breaching the trees. Shade and shadows return my sights as I twist and turn around the shorelines. How long have I been cruising? Paddle faster I tell myself, enjoy the soothing calm I tell myself.

Around the final point as I know there is only one more small inlet to explore before I am homeward bound. Faster, pushing, forcing myself to keep pace. Into the final cove I hear the small waterfall emptying our lake into Mill Pond next door. The soothing falls usher me onward as I head home tired, sweaty, content.