Friday, October 15, 2010

Hard Cider

I was looking through Yankee magazine and was reading an article on a hard cider brewery in New Hampshire when I decided that I just had to get me some. I looked online at Farnum Hill Orchards but couldn't find any local retailers. Sure, I could order some from a place in upstate New York or from New Jersey, but I decided to look a little more local. Blacksmiths vineyard is just up the road a bit in Casco. I have always wanted to check them out but never got around to it. One of my interns this month is from Casco and gave their Rhubarb wine a great review for a novice wine drinker. I went to their website and, sure enough they have a hard cider that they brew. They sell at all the local supermarkets but also at The Good Life Market up in Raymond. This market is an upscale sandwich shop, local food mart, and wine retailer. Mel and I went in for sandwiches and I came out with a bottle of Blacksmiths Rough Cut Cider. This stuff is good. Sweet, and clean and still very much a wine. Not dry or tart like many wines can be or overly fruity like many fruit wines make themselves into. I will definitely be looking for more local hard ciders.

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