Sunday, February 21, 2010

Irma Vep

Mel and I went out on a date Tuesday night. I bought tickets to see a play that I had seen advertised in the Portland Phoenix. The Mystery of Irma Vep at the Portland Stage Company seemed like it was going to be an interesting play but you just never know. We have seen many plays on Broadway and I wasn't sure if seeing something local could ever live up to past performances. The website said it was funny and promised a good time, but of course they weren't going to say that the play sucked and we should come watch it anyway. I took a chance and was able to get tickets in the second row.
It was snowing like crazy when we left Windham so we left early and planned on hitting Starbucks in Portland if time permitted. We were supposed to get up to 6 inches of snow and the way it was coming down it was possible to get more. The snow stopped by the time we hit Portland and we were able to spend a few minutes relaxing in Starbucks drinking our Java Chip Frapachinos. It is about the only thing I get at Starbucks because I love them so much.
The Portland Stage Company was a nice theater. Small and comfortable, and a lot better than a big auditorium. It was great having the hand panted floor and scenery. The play was a riot. There was only 2 actors performing all the characters in the play. They played the men and the women and if someone told me it was directed by Mel Brooks I would have believed it. It was so campy and corny and filled with pregnant pauses and stares. I think we laughed nonstop. It was deserving of the standing ovation and then some

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