Thursday, November 22, 2007

been awhile

I have been away from blogging for a bit, but I have just started to play guitar so I thought I would blog about it. Starting guitar because I am once again out on disablity due to knee surgery. So for now karate, and any type of physical activity is out.

I had originally picked up a guitar in the summer (back when I was heathy) but I had so much going on with karate, camp, activities with the kids, work, so on and so forth, that I just stopped playing. I had actually asked for money for either a guitar or a bass for my birthday back in August, got none, but haven't played anyway. I would like to think that if I had bought one I would have been practicing. Who knows? I'll play with my wifes old axe for now or maybe try to steal the record nerd's guitar that just collects dust.

Didn't do much as far as practicing today, because it is Thanksgiving and all the kids were all over me and we were trying to come up with cute catch phrases to put on our christmas cards. I just practiced a couple chords, g and d7. Just to get my fingers used to the feel and to try to switch back and forth between the chords. I only lasted about 10-15 minutes, but it was cool because Jaren got Reese's guitar and strummed along also. We'll make a noisy guitar duo.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Welcome back to the Blogger world. Missed you while you were gone.

Yeah, learning the guitar seems to require more effort than I'm willing to commit to right now. Hey, I know that Steve and Mel tried to get a guitar practice together, but if you want to set aside some time to jam, I'd join you. Let the girls dance and we can rock. It has just been something that I haven't been able to commit myself too since I've bought the damn thing.