Monday, August 31, 2009

Last day of summer vacation

I can't believe it is here already, so much was planned and most of it got done. The summer seemed short but it seems really short now that the kids go back to school tomorrow.

The day started like most others, I didn't want to get up, hit the snooze, got up-fed the dogs-went back to bed. I kept telling myself that it is the last day of summer so why not sleep in a little. Also I knew that I was doing the kenpo routine in p90x, and that only takes an hour so I can push snooze one more time, and I'll do it while Mel is at the chiropractor.

I did the routine and had fun, the kenpo routine is fast paced and full of punches, kicks and you just sweat like crazy. Mel came home shortly afterward and all six of us went out in the boat and Reese and Jaren went tubing. It was windy and gave the kids some good bumps.

After lunch we visited some Cub Scout friends to try to plan the year. It was good to sit around with the adults and watch all the kids play.
After dinner we had an open house at the middle school to help Reese remember where his classroom is and where his locker is. We got to meet one of his teachers and the band director. We went to The Dugout for some ice cream and then came home to tea and cookies with Gram-Gram. Doesn't help the diet, but it tasted good.

I got my book it the mail today. It is The Rookie by Scott Sigler. I listened to the podcast first and have been a Sigler Junkie ever since. This is an autographed numbered limited edition that I can't wait to read to the boys. It is supposed to be a toned down version because Siglers stuff can be a bit graphic/disturbing/harsh language, which is probably why I love it.

I am still reading Peter and the Shadow Thieves to the kids, so before bed tonight I was able to get in several more chapters. Alas, we are not really even close to halfway through it. (But it is also a great book that I highly recommend)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

motivation waning

Had a hard time getting up this morning, I don't know if it was because I really didn't want to go to work today or if I didn't want to do my p90x routine. It was Legs and Back today, followed by the ab workout. 1 hour 20 minutes. such a long time at 5 am.
Took a long time to get into the flow at work also, I just didn't care.

I did buy some floss so I can start keeping track. See # 3.

tired good night.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

everything takes so much longer than it should

I had my day planned out so I knew it wouldn't work. I had every thing written down in time slots based on how long I thought it should take.
I wanted to get up early, work out, then wake the Reese, Dean, and Stri and go fishing. Jaren was sleeping at a friends house and Mel had a 9am chiropractors appt. The turtle eggs started to hatch last night so we were up late with the eggs and were checking on them first thing this morning. Dean was too tired to go out and Stri was being a sour puss. So instead of fishing I got out my bow and did some archery for about 45 minutes. It took longer than I expected to put my gear away and needed to find a place to hang my bow, and while I was at it I hung Mels jewelry rack. Then I remembered that I was supposed to paint a second coating on the holes in the living room that I had patched up. Painting always takes longer than it should, then there is the clean up.

I was running about 30 minutes behind at this point and my next job was to bring both cars to get oil changes, return something at Staples, go to the bank, and get windshield wipers for my car. Pronto oil change was amazingly fast and all the errands went smoothly. But I was still behind schedule, so I said the heck with it and picked some blackberries (which Reese ate most of) for about an hour. I then washed the van until the financial planner came over at 2.

I only scheduled 1 hour for the planner and, of course, he left about 4. I finished the day with mowing the lawn before dinner, then making a blazing campfire to cook marshmallows over.

I did not get to fish, practice the guitar, call for platelet pheresis, play on itunes, or read to the kids. My new Scott Sigler book The Rookie should be here in a couple weeks and I can't wait to read it to the boys but we are not even half way through Peter and the Shadow Thieves.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

busy days

Well my birthday was Monday and I was working so I decided to wear my kilt to work and get one of my four days done. It was fun. Made lots of people smile and probably question my sanity, but that's nothing new. I only had one customer who really had no idea of what I was wearing and was surprised that it was allowed. I got lots of women who asked my technicians what I wore under the kilt. I couldn't lie and said that I needed something under there since I was at work. Now I can update #8 to 1/4.

I have been getting up to exercise every morning and am on day 8 of P90x. I really pushed myself this morning and got nauseous while doing the chest and back routine, tomorrow is the pylometrics workout (aka jump-training). Another killer morning routine. My before pics will hopefully be attached to this post. (scary pictures, I'll only attach one.)

Melissa had scheduled the energy audit for the house today. The woman showed up at 8 am and I assumed that it would be a couple hours at the most. She left at 1pm. She was very thorough and we went over the entire house. She had a thermal-imaging camera and was able to show us all the spots that heat would escape in the winter. The final report and recommendations will come in about 2-3 weeks. She only gets paid one flat fee and give us lists of places that the house should be made more air-tight and some tips on how to make the fridge run more efficiently etc. We will have a list three miles long no doubt. Lots and lots to do. She will have a breakdown of what is the most cost effective jobs and how to do them. Definitely worth the $ just for the info, now we just need some $ to implement the recommendations.

Another item on my list that we did today was to go out fishing on the lake. All six of us squeezed on the boat and we anchored on a rocky point. I had a bite and saw him jump but that was the closest thing to a fish we had all year so far. We did see a bald eagle circling above and heard some loons calling back and forth. It was nice. I finally, after 37 years, can tie a lure on my line. Thank you Dad, your persistence has paid off.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

101 in 1001

Here it is, do 101 things in 1001 days. Sounds easy doesn't it..

1.) finish p90x workout (0/90)
2.) floss -finish three 55 yard containers (2/3)
3** hike on 5 different trails (5/5)
4.) lose weight to below 175 and maintain (175)
5** get certified to give vaccines
6**48 hour only liquid nutrition
7.) blog ongoing results minimum 150 times (36/150)
8.) wear my kilt to work 4 times (3/4)
9.) get a pink shirt to wear to work
10** canoe or kayak around this side of Little Sebago Lake
11**try 6 new wines and critique them on blog (6/6)
12**try 6 new beers and critique them on blog (6/6)
13** get a massage (probably after finishing #1)
14.) write out daily/weekly schedule with slots for exercise, archery, guitar...

15.) donate platelets 10 times (4/10)
16.) buy at farm stand/farmers market 5 times (1/5)
17** walk for charity/cause
18** buy a Toy for Tot 3 times (4/3)
19** fix Grams dryer vent so it doesn't blow into the attic
20** volunteer/chaperon at school 3 times (3/3)
21.) give or buy from scouts or organization outside of grocery store
22.) participate in a Habitat for Humanity project

23.) learn to play 2 songs on the guitar (0/2)
24** finish reading Les Miserables and 4 other classics (5/5)
25.) read The Bible -old testament
26**read 5 novels to the boys (5/5)
27.) go see Spamalot on Broadway with Melissa
28** listen to my podcasts and get list to below 5 (5)
29.) see 6 pro sports games (4/6)
30** write 5 poems and post on blog (5/5)
31** see 4 shows/concerts (4/4)
32** read 5 non-fiction books (5/5)
33.) see a Michael Moore film (Sicko?)
34.) watch An Inconvenient Truth
35**Read a book by Stephen Hawking

36.) take primitive skills class
37** take gun safety course
38.) purchase gun and gun safe
39.) 24 hour blackout once per season for a year (1/4)
40.) plant 6 more apple trees (0/6)
41** cook entire meal on campfire with homemade ice cream for dessert
42.) learn to pay the bills and file receipts
43** shoot an apple with an arrow
44** make fire outside in the winter
45.) make chicken coop
46.) get archery sets for boys
47** build storage shelves for basement
48.) stock shelves with emergency supplies/food

49** go on cruise with Melissa
50.) get new tattoo (after donating platelets)
51.) whitewater rafting
52.) bring kids to Red Sox game
53.) play 20 games of pool (5/20)
54**Lord of the Rings movie marathon
55.) finish ICE files
56.) update wills
57.) bring boys on Superman ride at Six Flags
58**sleep under the stars
59** camp out in living room next to fireplace over the winter
60.) take L.L. Bean outdoor discovery school class
61** take week off from work to volunteer at cub scout camp
62** go swimming at midnight
63**go swimming in October
64.) get harness for Pearl to pull kids on sled
65.) go on Casco Bay Cruise
66.) go galactic bowling
67**rate 1000 movies on netflix (1005/1000)
68.) go to Acadia National Park
69** go to Baxter State Park & see Mt Katahdin
70.)visit friends in NY
71.) go fishing 10 times (you think this would be easy) (8/10)
72** see Reese perform in a band concert
73.) eat out at a Greek, Indian, and Thai restaurant (2/3) thai,greek
74.) dress up on Halloween 3 times (2/3)
75** shop on Black Friday
76**subscribe to Old News
77** go on 5 dates with Mel (not during school) (5/5)

78** kitchen -
79.) bedroom -
80**livingroom -
81** kids room -
82** energy audit of house
83.) organize workshop
84.) grow and keep alive an indoor tree
85** prune and weed around raspberry bushes
86** grow 10 different fruits/veggies (10/10) pumpkin,squash(2),beans,cukes,tomato,green pep,strawberries,grapes,eggplant
87.) get organized tupperware
88**get home water treatment system
89** replace 2 appliances with energystar rated appliances (2/2) -a/c count?
90**giveaway, trash, goodwill, sell 30 books of mine (30/30)
91** rebuild Mel's craft table
92.) declutter 200 items (86/200)
93.) get oil changed in cars 12 times (8/12)
94** max my IRA every year
95**be able to park my car in garage during the winter
96** install light in camp/holiday side of basement
97** re screen all windows or get new windows
98** insulate Grams attic
99**insulate/finish off boys attic
100** get carbon dioxide detector for basement
101.) build 2 bat houses and hang them (0/2)
