Thursday, August 27, 2009

everything takes so much longer than it should

I had my day planned out so I knew it wouldn't work. I had every thing written down in time slots based on how long I thought it should take.
I wanted to get up early, work out, then wake the Reese, Dean, and Stri and go fishing. Jaren was sleeping at a friends house and Mel had a 9am chiropractors appt. The turtle eggs started to hatch last night so we were up late with the eggs and were checking on them first thing this morning. Dean was too tired to go out and Stri was being a sour puss. So instead of fishing I got out my bow and did some archery for about 45 minutes. It took longer than I expected to put my gear away and needed to find a place to hang my bow, and while I was at it I hung Mels jewelry rack. Then I remembered that I was supposed to paint a second coating on the holes in the living room that I had patched up. Painting always takes longer than it should, then there is the clean up.

I was running about 30 minutes behind at this point and my next job was to bring both cars to get oil changes, return something at Staples, go to the bank, and get windshield wipers for my car. Pronto oil change was amazingly fast and all the errands went smoothly. But I was still behind schedule, so I said the heck with it and picked some blackberries (which Reese ate most of) for about an hour. I then washed the van until the financial planner came over at 2.

I only scheduled 1 hour for the planner and, of course, he left about 4. I finished the day with mowing the lawn before dinner, then making a blazing campfire to cook marshmallows over.

I did not get to fish, practice the guitar, call for platelet pheresis, play on itunes, or read to the kids. My new Scott Sigler book The Rookie should be here in a couple weeks and I can't wait to read it to the boys but we are not even half way through Peter and the Shadow Thieves.

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