Sunday, August 23, 2009

101 in 1001

Here it is, do 101 things in 1001 days. Sounds easy doesn't it..

1.) finish p90x workout (0/90)
2.) floss -finish three 55 yard containers (2/3)
3** hike on 5 different trails (5/5)
4.) lose weight to below 175 and maintain (175)
5** get certified to give vaccines
6**48 hour only liquid nutrition
7.) blog ongoing results minimum 150 times (36/150)
8.) wear my kilt to work 4 times (3/4)
9.) get a pink shirt to wear to work
10** canoe or kayak around this side of Little Sebago Lake
11**try 6 new wines and critique them on blog (6/6)
12**try 6 new beers and critique them on blog (6/6)
13** get a massage (probably after finishing #1)
14.) write out daily/weekly schedule with slots for exercise, archery, guitar...

15.) donate platelets 10 times (4/10)
16.) buy at farm stand/farmers market 5 times (1/5)
17** walk for charity/cause
18** buy a Toy for Tot 3 times (4/3)
19** fix Grams dryer vent so it doesn't blow into the attic
20** volunteer/chaperon at school 3 times (3/3)
21.) give or buy from scouts or organization outside of grocery store
22.) participate in a Habitat for Humanity project

23.) learn to play 2 songs on the guitar (0/2)
24** finish reading Les Miserables and 4 other classics (5/5)
25.) read The Bible -old testament
26**read 5 novels to the boys (5/5)
27.) go see Spamalot on Broadway with Melissa
28** listen to my podcasts and get list to below 5 (5)
29.) see 6 pro sports games (4/6)
30** write 5 poems and post on blog (5/5)
31** see 4 shows/concerts (4/4)
32** read 5 non-fiction books (5/5)
33.) see a Michael Moore film (Sicko?)
34.) watch An Inconvenient Truth
35**Read a book by Stephen Hawking

36.) take primitive skills class
37** take gun safety course
38.) purchase gun and gun safe
39.) 24 hour blackout once per season for a year (1/4)
40.) plant 6 more apple trees (0/6)
41** cook entire meal on campfire with homemade ice cream for dessert
42.) learn to pay the bills and file receipts
43** shoot an apple with an arrow
44** make fire outside in the winter
45.) make chicken coop
46.) get archery sets for boys
47** build storage shelves for basement
48.) stock shelves with emergency supplies/food

49** go on cruise with Melissa
50.) get new tattoo (after donating platelets)
51.) whitewater rafting
52.) bring kids to Red Sox game
53.) play 20 games of pool (5/20)
54**Lord of the Rings movie marathon
55.) finish ICE files
56.) update wills
57.) bring boys on Superman ride at Six Flags
58**sleep under the stars
59** camp out in living room next to fireplace over the winter
60.) take L.L. Bean outdoor discovery school class
61** take week off from work to volunteer at cub scout camp
62** go swimming at midnight
63**go swimming in October
64.) get harness for Pearl to pull kids on sled
65.) go on Casco Bay Cruise
66.) go galactic bowling
67**rate 1000 movies on netflix (1005/1000)
68.) go to Acadia National Park
69** go to Baxter State Park & see Mt Katahdin
70.)visit friends in NY
71.) go fishing 10 times (you think this would be easy) (8/10)
72** see Reese perform in a band concert
73.) eat out at a Greek, Indian, and Thai restaurant (2/3) thai,greek
74.) dress up on Halloween 3 times (2/3)
75** shop on Black Friday
76**subscribe to Old News
77** go on 5 dates with Mel (not during school) (5/5)

78** kitchen -
79.) bedroom -
80**livingroom -
81** kids room -
82** energy audit of house
83.) organize workshop
84.) grow and keep alive an indoor tree
85** prune and weed around raspberry bushes
86** grow 10 different fruits/veggies (10/10) pumpkin,squash(2),beans,cukes,tomato,green pep,strawberries,grapes,eggplant
87.) get organized tupperware
88**get home water treatment system
89** replace 2 appliances with energystar rated appliances (2/2) -a/c count?
90**giveaway, trash, goodwill, sell 30 books of mine (30/30)
91** rebuild Mel's craft table
92.) declutter 200 items (86/200)
93.) get oil changed in cars 12 times (8/12)
94** max my IRA every year
95**be able to park my car in garage during the winter
96** install light in camp/holiday side of basement
97** re screen all windows or get new windows
98** insulate Grams attic
99**insulate/finish off boys attic
100** get carbon dioxide detector for basement
101.) build 2 bat houses and hang them (0/2)


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