Saturday, January 5, 2008

lets switch things up some

Back to chords! That's right folks, after saying I was going to go straight for the B string today; I didn't! My life is so full of unexpected twists, I don't know how I stand it. After talking with Mel about when she and her dad started to play; I decided to get into the chords again. It is much more difficult to find the chord strings and keep some type of tempo. I just need to look my fingers too much. I need lots of practice, and I believe that is the name of the game. It's hard to get used to a rhythm when strumming. Just another part of guitar that I took for granted and assumed was easy. I have to get my brain working on both hands at once. I can't get a good strumming rhythm when I am thinking about where my fingers are supposed to be for the chords. It will take a while before I can play chords to music.

Its funny because my middle finger and pinky are a little sore. With playing the notes only, I haven't been using those fingers.

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