Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hikin and swimmin

Everyone had plans to go hiking on Monday and of course I was working so we decided to go today instead. We left early in the morning knowing that it was a hour and 15 min drive just to get there and if you show up to late and the parking lot is full then you have to wait until someone leaves. No worries about that though, very few cars in the lot and away we went. It was a beautiful day and the only thing we could complain about was the mosquitoes on the hike. It was not too hot nor too cold. All the boys were great and Strider only had one minor breakdown.
When we got to the beach the waves were huge and everyone had a great time. However the water was freezing and the undertow was pretty strong. Just made things all the more exciting.

This is the first hike on number 3 of my 101 in 1001.

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