Sunday, February 11, 2007

Just not myself

I have been in a bad mood all week. I think it started on Tuesday, but I don't know why. Everything just set me off for no reason, and I hate that. At work I usually have to be the one in a good mood because no body else is, so when one of my technicians asked me if I was feeling poopy, I knew they noticed it too. Most of the time once I recognize that I'm in a bad mood I'll just put in a CD or just mentally slap myself out of it, but nothing worked this week.
What made it worse was that it carried over to my days off. Both Wednesday and Thursday I was short with the kids and probably even with Mel. She even asked me if I had been taking my meds. Yesterday morning I was talking to the assistant manager and he was saying how he had been in a bad mood all week and he bought a case of beer the day before but promised himself that he wouldn't start drinking until after his room mate got home from work. I told him that I was feeling pretty much the same way and for some stupid reason it made me feel better. I had talked about it with my technicians, with my wife, and even with someone from karate, but saying it yesterday somehow worked and I mostly snapped out of it. I was real tired last night, mostly from my small cold that I have, but I think I am mostly over my bad mood phase. I hate the human mind, life shouldn't be so complicated.

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