Friday, February 2, 2007

Let's see if this works

We are trying something new with Reese. He has always had a difficult time starting homework or anything that he really doesn't want to do. He has been known to whine and cry for two hours before getting started with some homework that takes him less than ten minutes to do.

After talking with his teacher on Wednesday morning, we came to a difficult decision of just let him fail! Now this isn't going to be easy for Mel or I to do. Sure it gets frustrating when fusses a lot, but we don't want him to get lazy(lazier).

The theory is, if we don't push him, he will see what it is like to not get things done and to have to feel embarrassed or ashamed at school when he can't turn in the completed assignment. We will ask him what work he needs to do once and tell him to do it, after that he will not get another reminder. This wouldn't be something I would normally do, but Reese is extremely smart and he knows it. He knows that he can get by, with only doing the minimal amount of work, and be perfectly happy. So hopefully he will see what it is like to have to rush to get things done and to understand that it is a good idea to do the work when we ask him to do it and have it done and over with.

Hopefully this will work but I'm not too sure, he really doesn't care much about what adults think of him. To him everyone is either his equal or less than he is.

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