Sunday, February 4, 2007

Weekend updates

What a crazy weekend. Started on Friday, with another clogged toilet. I don't what this one got clogged with, it might have just been stuffed with toilet paper. Strider was upstairs for awhile unguarded. This was in our bathroom, and once again I had to remove the toilet to break up the clog. Friday night we failed at making s'mores because we were out of Sterno for our s'more making kit, we were able to use the toaster oven but its not quite the same. Instead we had a big marshmallow fight in the kitchen, with Strider walking around picking up the marshmallows and eating them.
On Saturday I went to pick up Jaren, who had slept over a friends house, at about 10am. Jarens friend, Chance, asked if he could come over to our house to play. He had a birthday party to go to at 1pm so I said he could and his mom would pick him up on the way to the party. We got a call from Chances Mom a little after 12 saying that they had made a mistake and the party wasn't until next weekend. No big deal, he can stay for a few more hours.
Later Sam called and wanted Dean to come over, he said he would. Then Dean changed his mind and we called Sam and told him to come over. Then we told Julia she could come over and sleep over also. Somewhere in the middle of all this Chances Mom came over and Chance and Jaren convinced her that he could sleep over. Therefore Saturday night we ended up with seven kids under 9 years old. It was noisy and wild but went fairly well.
Today we had my Mom and Deb over for dinner. I made meatloaf, green bean casserole, biscuits, and a cherry pie. It was fun and we stuffed ourselves silly.
Reese's progress was as expected. We told him a couple times each day that it would be a good time to work on his projects, but to no avail until Sunday afternoon when he started to work on his comic book for his counselor. He mostly finished it with several distractions and delays and it came out pretty good for his first comic.

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