Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lesson 2

Nothing major with this lesson. We practiced a lot of movable chords and upstrokes. It was fun and interesting and I learned (well, was taught anyway) about the chords and their relationship on the fretboard. We tried playing Leaving on a Jet Plane together, and I just stunk it up. He was just jumping in with notes and rhythm and I just sounded so monotonous. Straight tempo, 3 out of 4 beats per measure, strum, strum, strum, skip, strum, strum, strum, skip... my guitar sounded like it was trying to be an annoying 5 year old bothering his older brother. David thought I did good, I just need more practice. (years and years more practice) It was fun and the next thing I knew it was over.

I start back to work tomorrow so it will be interesting to see where I can squeeze in practice.....


Mike said...

Ha! Sounds like when I went the Men's Pick-Up Basketball League for the first time last week. Felt like I had no idea what I was doing out there, running up and down the court with a bunch of 20 year olds.

Bandit said...

Well you are wicked old you know.