Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hard to be happy at a job where everyone is miserable

I work in a pharmacy, and the majority of people I see are either in pain or are sick. Therefore the majority of the people I see are in a bad mood and don't care how many people where here before them, they just want there meds and to get home. Most people are also worried about the cost of their meds and why the insurance isn't paying for more of it.
Because of all this it is very hard to stay in a positive mood and keep everyone I work with happy. Always busy and surrounded by grumpy folks; not a great atmosphere. We have tried several moral boosting ideas over the past year and all of them have lasted about one week, if that.
I try to be polite as I can to people who ask me questions about laxatives, cold medicines, vitamins, foot care, and then not listen to my answer or choose something different because they already had something else in mind.
My daily goal at work is to make as many people as I can happy, and let the rest just roll of my shoulders and leave me unaffected. My karate master taught me, as things occur throughout the day ask yourself "how am I going to let that effect me today?" Keep the positive happy thoughts and just let the rest go. Don't let them win by dragging you down.

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