Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lessons at karate

Wednesday is karate day for us, I have every Wednesday off and there is an afternoon class that Mel and I go to. The older two boys are in school and the younger two boys entertain themselves by watching a movie or playing in the small kids area.

I love being able to do this together with my wife even though I know she doesn't care for it all that much. I started in order to help out Jaren because he was struggling at it and Reese was advancing really fast. I also didn't want the kids to be able to kick my butt when they got older.

Mel started because they were offering a three month free trial and several of the kids mom's that she hung around with while the kids were in class were going to join.

It is nice to have this in common, and to be able to practice together and go over moves together and dread getting beat up at class together. It is hectic for sure, with having to get the two little ones ready and settled.

Today made me a sad though. One of our better friends was in class with us and mentioned not wanting to go home after class because her husband was home. I just can't image living like that. Why live a lie? Why just hope things will get better? Do something about it! I hate to and won't but into friends lives, but if you are not happy, make a change.

Every day I can't believe how lucky I am to be where I am. I know my house is crazy, messy and loud, but how insignificant is that when you think about not even wanting to go home to the person you married and loved, the person you are raising your children with, and at least for me, the person who you want your children to grow up to be like. I love and respect my wife more than any person in the world and I don't know how she does all that she does. I can't imagine where I would be if I lost her. All that I do, I do just to try to be worthy of her.

Of course, as I am writing this I am in charge of not just three of my boys that are running around (Strider is upstairs sleeping) screaming, but also Jarens friend Mykenzy is over also.

I guess I had better go since I have rambled quite a bit from my original topic and Dean is now crying. (he bumped his knee)

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