Monday, January 29, 2007

Starting a resolution a little late

Mel and I have come to the conclusion that we are lazy and unmotivated, that there are small things in our lives that can easily be controlled and are not. Therefore as of yesterday, we are going to be more organized!!

Starting off by getting up at 5am and not hitting the snooze button at all. This is a big step for me, I always have ambitious goals for the morning and am likely to hit the snooze button so many times that there is not enough time to do anything.

Going small at first I am going to run through my karate moves doing my combinations and forms one day and my kempos and grabs the next. After this, I will take two of our dogs for a walk, trying to get them under submission, and get some exercise. This is also tricky, yesterday was 10 degrees and snowing, and today was 15 degrees and a small but bitting wind. The dogs enjoy it none the less.

I am also trying to put a lot more in my PDA, just as reminders for what needs to be done. I work well when I have a list because I can see progress. I have put little things like pick out my clothes, and which exercises I am going to do.

I have to go so Reese can do his math practice, and so I can get stuff done instead of just writing about it. Hopefully we can keep this up and can get organized.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hey man, I found your blog. I enjoy reading it. Keep it up. I have a good time writing mine.