Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mel's birthday

Today is Mel's birthday, I let her sleep-in a little. Although it wasn't until I all my winter gear on and the dogs ready for their morning walk (it was -2 degrees!) that I remembered. I had planned on going back upstairs to make sure she was up before I left, but I thought a "Happy birthday, now get up and clean the closet and the craft room" might just not be a good way to start the day.

I was ice cold when I came back in so after I fed the dogs and took off my gear I went back upstairs and climbed into bed trying to warm up. In about 10 minutes the boys alarm went off and we listened to them get up and start getting ready.

I pulled out a bag from under the bed that contained her other presents. The first one I gave her at her party a week and a half ago. As she unwrapped the undies and bra from Victoria's Secret, I explained how embarrassed the boys were in the store when we were buying them. She said she may want to exchange the bra to get it in black instead of tan because she already has a tan, but she said she may just keep it and buy another. I guarantee that she won't exchange it and she would never go buy a new one. I have never known anyone who hates to spend money on herself as much as she does. I am so lucky, because she keeps my spending in check and spends close to zero on herself.

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