Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wacky Crazy Day

Our day started with the excitement and anticipation of the septic pumper coming. We talked to Dean about how all the waste from the toilets and the sinks and showers go into a holding tank in the front yard, and how the truck has to come and pump it out so we can continue to flush the toilet without it getting backed up into the house. It finally came around noon, just after Mel and the boys got back from Walmart. Mel and Dean went out front to look into the hole that the pump hose went into, I opted to stay inside because I was still finishing my lunch. As the guy was getting to the bottom of the tank he was telling us about the nail polish and other cosmetic supplies that Strider must have flushed down the toilet. Luckily all this stuff made it down and I didn't have to pull up the toilet to get it out.
On another note, after our private karate class we brought the boys to the pet store. We ended up leaving with a ferret that we named Oscar. I thought we would end up with one eventually but not this soon. Everyone seems to love him and even the dogs don't mind yet. Strider is excited and loves to watch him.


Mike said...

Man, you are so crazy with your pets! Didn't you learn from the last time how much those things stink! :)

Bandit said...

obviously not. I was very surprised when Mel brought it up.